Awesome Opportunity
I had many great comments after my song has been streaming in the US and internationally. Check out "I'll Fix all my Wrongs on Spotify,...

they are playing my song
Michael Crawford @MichaelLyric53 Today we play for the world to listen 'No Turning Back' by Michael Crawford at 1:09PM (PT) May 18, in...

Radio Station Time
Michael Crawford @MichaelLyric53 Today we play for the world to listen 'I'll fix all my wrongs' by Michael Crawford at 11:02AM (PT) May...

Awesome Opportunity
Good news today on my song I submitted, I have selected your song "Can't take no detour" from a Broadjam listing. I would like to include...

Australia is streaming, listening and enjoying my songs, my new song too, I'll fix all my wrongs, love it

My Tweet is answered
I tweeted my newest song to Jason Aldean, country singer, got a response back from him, adding me to his personal twitter, been following...