Hello all, exciting news received, I received great news after sending my lyrics from my song "Broken Fences," from the editor of Write...

Hey all, check it my song
We are happy to let you know that today we play your music at LonelyOakradio.com. Dec 20 at 12:38 AM (Pacific Time) , and 12:38 PM 'Tears...

Check out "Broken Fences" Enjoy
KB Country Radio @KB_CountryRadio Michael Crawford @MichaelLyric53 - Broken Fences #kbcountryradio #jukeboxcountry 8:02 AM · Dec 19,...

Appreciation for support and listening to my songs
22,730 listening and enjoying my songs on Fandalism music website, thank you all

"Never Give Up"
Nice feedback from a Helen on my song "Never Give Up," from my From a distance album, soon available on physical CD, Check it out !!!...

Hey all, check it out
KB Country Radio @KB_CountryRadio · 4h Michael Crawford @MichaelLyric53 - Broken Fences #kbcountryradio #jukeboxcountry

My song "Broken Fences"
From Will, Today 10:29am "i can honestly say your the best thing i've ever heard. i came across you on the N1M charts while listening to...

Check it out and hear my songs

Music and lyric interview
Hello all, I had a cool interview with a radio station in Miami on two of my songs, "Broken Fences" and "Crazy Night." I sent and my Bio...